Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Overbite Studies

There are 3 overbite studies I am initiating.


  1. How much can the forward growth of the chin be enhanced during overbite correction using the MARA overbite corrector?

It is expected that adolescent teenagers will experience considerable forward growth of the chin using the MARA overbite corrector carefully, trying not to lengthen the face but to direct the growth of the lower jaw horizontally.  I will study whether there is a difference between boys and girls.  I will also study whether adults can experience some forward growth of the chin, even though they are “done” growing.

This study will be compared to an untreated group of adolescent teenage boys and girls, in order to understand how much change in the horizontal chin position the MARA produces.  These untreated teenagers have head xrays stored at the University of Michigan from years ago, and are available for studies such as this.


  1. How fast can overbite correction occur and still be stable?

By combining braces with the MARA overbite corrector, and starting elastics wear earlier too, we will study whether the treatment time for overbite correction can be reduced from 33 months average to 20 months average.  The groups to be studied are adolescent boys, adolescent girls, and adults.


  1. How reliably can overbite correction be accomplished using Invisalign instead of braces, along with the MARA overbite corrector?

A group of adolescent boys and a group of adolescent girls and a group of adults will be treated with first the MARA overbite corrector, and then after the MARA is removed, with Invisalign, to see how nicely the bite can be corrected without braces.


©2011  James E. Eckhart, D.D.S.,  Inc.


1101 N. Sepulveda Blvd,  Suite 202, 

Manhattan Beach,  Ca.  90266  (310) 546-4724

21210 Anza Ave., Torrance, CA 90503 (310) 540-5911  


Monday, March 14, 2011

Can Braces Cause Cavities?

With Invisalign, the aligners can be removed for brushing.  Poor tooth brushing causes cavities.  Most orthodontists monitor tooth brushing carefully and reward good brushing.  The good brushing habits formed during braces last a lifetime.


A person seeing an observant orthodontist once every month or two is less likely to have new cavities undetected than a person who only sees the dentist once or twice a year.


Orthodontic patients get their brushing graded at every appointment, and they are provided brushes and other cleaning supplies.  They also get instruction on diet, fluoride rinses, etc.


In the old days with bands wrapped around the front teeth, sometimes loose bands were hard to detect and would decay underneath. Nowadays, with bonded brackets, it is easier to tell.


Today's orthodontic cements have fluoride in them and the teeth are sealed for protection before gluing the braces on.


If an orthodontist realized that a patient was not brushing adequately after  many lessons, he would just remove the braces and discontinue treatment, before any serious cavities developed.



©2011  James E. Eckhart, D.D.S.,  Inc.


1101 N. Sepulveda Blvd,  Suite 202, 

Manhattan Beach,  Ca.  90266  (310) 546-4724

21210 Anza Ave., Torrance, CA 90503 (310) 540-5911